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Cat in a Sweater Vest


In the last few years great strides have been made in our understanding of FIP  and our options for successful treatment.  In addition, cat owners, "citizen scientists" and some veterinary professionals have gained a large amount of experience in treating FIP successfully -- however this information is not readily available to veterinarians.  This site is dedicated to gathering data from both published and experiential sources in order to provide vets with the information they need to act in the best interests of their patient.



Nicole Jacque

Nicole became involved in treating cats for FIP at a San Francisco bay area cat rescue clinic in 2019 and since has been involved in monitoring treatment and collecting data for over 1000 cats.  She is currently working on collecting data for several studies including a prospective survey study of cats being treated for FIP.


Nicole has been active in the San Francisco bay area cat rescue community for many years, and is on the board of a special needs cat rescue/sanctuary.

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